
 2015-05-06    大连 /software/2015/05/06/goals.html software android

Goal tracker: SmartGoals


Manage goals and projects

with Multi-level folders
with Point goal
with Period
with Reminder
with Progress tracking with entries

Log progress with entries

with Four different types of entries
1.Time recording
2.Point button
3.Number input
4.Check list
with Note

Summarize progress

with Percentage achieved
with Percentage time passed
with Due date
with Days remaining until due
with Simple dot chart

Display progress

in Calendar screen
in Entry list screen
in Chart

Backup & Restore

with Scheduled job
with Dropbox (Online)

Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.acj0.smartgoalsproa

Raise The Bar Pro


Active Time Tracking
Set Goals to Achieve
ToDo List
Custom Reminders for Goal/List
Unlimited Goals!
Color Your Lists and Goal Bars!
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Stats
Editable Data! (edit in daily bar graph)
Time/Amount Tracking
Level Up by tracking Experience Points (XP)
Export to CSV
FAQ section for help

How does it work?

1.Name the Activity to Track. (Be creative!)
2.Pick category of bar: Level Up, Achieve Goal, or List (more information in FAQ)
3.You choose the type: Time spent or # of “Reps.”
(Activities can often be Tracked with either type, so choose freely!)

Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afewguys.raisethebar&hl=zh_CN

Jason,80 后,现从事通信行业。安卓玩家一个人的书房朗读者麦子
更多…… /about.html
