哲学导论_第二周_什么是知识? - Duncan Pritchard

 2015-10-06    曼谷 /mooc/2015/10/06/knowledge.html mooc nil

中文版 https://www.coursera.org/learn/zhexue-daolun/home/week/2



Propositional Knowledge(know-that): 所谓的“命题式知识”,指的是那些特定领域的描述性(陈述性)知识,简单概括来说,这一类的知识可以类比于“命题”,通常非真即伪。

例如,“The cat is on the mat.”,对于这一描述的结论是:true 或者 false,而并不存在其他的答案。

描述性的知识的特点是 — this is the case.

我们看另一个句子 “Shut that door.”,它并不存在“非真即伪”的结论,所以这不是描述性的句子(知识)。

与 Propositional Knowledge 相对应的是 Ability Knowledge。

Ability Knowledge(know-how): know-that VS. know-know…

Two conditions for propositional knowledge

1.Knowledge requires truth. We can’t know a falsehood.

2.Knowledge also requires belief.

Knowledge and Belief

if you know a proposition, then you must at least believe that proposition. So, if you know that Paris is the capital of France, then you must at least believe that Paris is the capital of France. Now, of course, sometimes we explicitly contrast belief and knowledge. So we might say something like, I don’t merely believe that Paris is the capital of France, I know it. And the suggestion seems to be there that knowledge is different from belief. Because what we really mean when we say something like that, is that I don’t merely believe it. So I don’t just believe it, but I, in addition to that, I know it. So what we’re signaling there is the idea that knowledge is something stronger than belief. But of course that’s entirely compatible with the thought that knowledge at the very least requires belief.

Knowledge doesn’t require certainty, it doesn’t require infallibility, but it is inconsistent with knowing a falsehood.

Knowledge requires truth and it requires belief, requires true beliefs. 这即意味着“命题式的知识”需要我们正确地了解事实(getting it right)并且相信它。


getting it right


Knowing VS. Getting it right

knowing is getting to the truth in the right kind of way.

the nature of knowledge

anti-luck intuition

ability intuition



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