Quick Logger
As an Engineer in ERICSSON, I created some Innovation Tools, and up to Jun. 2016, these innovation program saved 716,857.12 SEK cost for company. I enjoy so much while I am trying to build things. for some more works information, please visit https://jsntn.com/ericsson
DCM NFV 项目中,CA 包含节点较多,测试过程中收取 log,抓包和下载工作实在耗时繁琐,该工具可以大大简化这些工作,从而让我们可以将更多时间专注于分析 log 和研究 workflow 上面。
In Japan DCM NFV Project, since there are many nodes in CA, and it takes us much time on collecting logs, tracing the packets and downloading, this is very time-consuming and tedious. This innovation could save your time and help you to concentrate on the issues and workflow.
2017/01/20 V20170120 is released.
集成 Firefox
2016/12/24 V20161224 is released.
Initial release.
- 一键查看本机端口占用情况
- 一键登录 CA 节点
- 一键收取所有 CA 节点 log
- 一键开始所有 CA 节点抓包
- 一键下载所有 CA 节点最新 trace 文件
- 一键登录 Fuel
- 一键 FTP 到 CA 任意节点,便于下载、上传文件
- 一键访问 NVFO GUI
- 一键访问 PG GUI
- 一键访问 F5 GUI
- One click to check ports avaiability
- One click to login CA nodes
- One click to start logging on all CA nodes
- One click to start tracing on all CA nodes
- One click to download the latest trace files from all CA nodes
- One click to login Fuel
- One click to transfer files to CA nodes
- One click to visit NVFO GUI
- One click to visit PG GUI
- One click to visit F5 GUI
- 绿色免安装
- 免除“端口转发”和“浏览器代理”的繁琐配置
- 无需与 Xshell,SecureCRT 等集成
- Windows Batch 脚本 + txt 数据库 + PuTTY
- Batch + txt = 代码开放,便于后期增加 CA 节点后工具的更新
- 指令自定义
- log 和 trace 文件自由命名
- 无需在节点上做任何部署
- Portable
- Easy to configure the Port Forwarding
- Without Xshell or SecureCRT
- Windows Batch scripts + txt database + PuTTY
- Batch + txt = open source, easy to be used on later CA updates
- Customized commands
- Customized naming of log and trace file
- Without any deployment on nodes
视频介绍/Video Demonstration:
1.在执行“check if the ports used for forwarding avaiable”时,收到提示“Please use another port”应该如何重新设置 port?
在 /common/variables/variables.txt
和 /<node>/variables/variables.txt
里面,将被占用的端口号重新设置为 0~65535 范围中的任意一个,再次检查。
2.登录了 EGW 以后,执行 /<node>/xxx_console.bat
的“check if the ports used for forwarding avaiable”,收到如下提示,是正常的吗?
登录 EGW 时,会同时为 workstation 设置端口转发,15000 应该是 /common/variables/variables.txt
和 /<node>/variables/variables.txt
中定义的 workstation 转发端口,这是正常的。
同理,通过 /<node>/xxx_console.bat
执行 workstation 的登录后,再次检查端口占用情况,会发现 VLB 的端口占用,也是正常的。
建议:第一次使用该工具时,不要进行任何登录操作,首先分别运行 /runThisFirst.bat
和 /<node>/xxx_console.bat
3.在执行“start logging”时失败,然后尝试分别执行 login diff、login GUI、login workflow、login PG、login FN 时遇到了如下图的 PuTTY Security Alert 是怎么回事?
在本机端口无冲突且节点状态正常的情况下,执行“start logging”失败通常是因为与相应的节点连接有问题导致的。所以可以通过分别执行 login diff、login GUI、login wf 等,以确认连接正常。在确认过程中,可能遇到上图的提示(通常发生在首次使用该工具时),出于安全考虑,该提示不会被设计为“默许”,请谅解并根据实际情况进行选择。
There isn’t. And there won’t be. Even if you write it yourself and send us the patch, we won’t accept it. (- via PUTTY FAQ)
建议:首次使用该工具时,在执行“start logging”和“start tracing”之前,先将 login diff、login GUI、login wf 等逐个执行一遍,与各个节点建立“信任”(trust)。
4.执行“go download the latest trace files”操作时,所下载到的 trace 文件不是我刚才的 tcpdump 操作所生成的怎么办?
问题原因:程序默认下载最新的 trace 文件,如果有多个人在同一时段进行抓包测试,很可能在我们要下载时,我们的 trace 文件已经不是节点上最新的了。
解决方法:将 /<node>/tracingConfig/
里面的 tcpdump 指令所保存的文件名字增加标识,例如保存为 xxx_etiaguo.pcap,然后到 /<node>/scripts/downloadTracing.bat
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %DIFF1User%@ -P %DIFF1LocalPort% -pw %DIFF1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1D1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %DIFF2User%@ -P %DIFF2LocalPort% -pw %DIFF2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1D2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %WF1User%@ -P %WF1LocalPort% -pw %WF1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1W1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %WF2User%@ -P %WF2LocalPort% -pw %WF2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1W2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %PG1User%@ -P %PG1LocalPort% -pw %PG1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1P1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %PG2User%@ -P %PG2LocalPort% -pw %PG2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1P2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %FNUser%@ -P %FNLocalPort% -pw %FNPassword% "ls -t /tmp/*.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1FN.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %DIFF1User%@ -P %DIFF1LocalPort% -pw %DIFF1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1D1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %DIFF2User%@ -P %DIFF2LocalPort% -pw %DIFF2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1D2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %WF1User%@ -P %WF1LocalPort% -pw %WF1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1W1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %WF2User%@ -P %WF2LocalPort% -pw %WF2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1W2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %PG1User%@ -P %PG1LocalPort% -pw %PG1Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1P1.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %PG2User%@ -P %PG2LocalPort% -pw %PG2Password% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1P2.txt
start /b ..\main\plink.exe -ssh %FNUser%@ -P %FNLocalPort% -pw %FNPassword% "ls -t /tmp/*etiaguo.pcap | head -1" > .\tmpVarS1FN.txt
5.如何记录操作 log?
terminal 使用的是 PuTTY,记录 log 的方法即 PuTTY 的操作。
首先,打开 /main/putty.exe
,在 Session
- Logging
- Log file name
选项下点击 Browse
选择路径,填写 File name
,例如 &H_&Y&M&D_&T.log
。上面的 Session logging
和下面的 What to do if the log file already exists
可以根据个人喜好进行选择,例如选择 Printable output
和 Ask the user every time
,Flush log file frequently
然后,点击 Session
,在 Saved Sessions
下面选中要保存的 Session
名字,例如 Default Settings
,点击 Save
下次使用 PuTTY 时,就会自动开始记录操作 log 了。